Relationships of the Believer
Relationships of the Believer LESSON TWENTY – CONGREGATIONAL LEADERS Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand what the qualifications and responsibilities of congregational leaders are. RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEADERS 1. Read Acts 6:1-4–1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON NINETEEN – THE BELIEVER AND MONEY Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand what the believer’s relationship to money and material possessions should be. TITHING IN THE LAW OF MUSA 1. Read Leviticus 27:30-34–30 ” `A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON EIGHTEEN – BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand two important practices that are to be a part of the life of each congregation – baptism and the Lord’s Supper. BAPTISM 1. Read Matthew 28:18-20–18 Then Isa came to them…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON SEVENTEEN – CONGREGATIONAL DISCIPLINE Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to understand proper congregational discipline – what its goals and results are meant to be and the steps taken in carrying it out. THE GOAL OF CHURCH DISCIPLINE 1. Read 1 Corinthians 5:1-13–1 It is actually reported…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON SIXTEEN – UNITY Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to understand why unity in the local congregation is so very important and what the nature of that unity is. THE VALUE AND IMPORTANCE OF UNITY 1. Read Proverbs 6:16-19– 16 There are six things Allah hates, seven…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON FIFTEEN – THE COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand the purpose and characteristics of the community of believers (called by various names such as “church”, “body of al-Masih”, “congregation”, “ummah”, etc.). 1. Read 1 Timothy 3:15,16–15 if I am delayed, you…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON FOURTEEN – PERSECUTION Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to understand what persecution is, why it comes, and what benefits it can have in a believer’s life. PERSECUTION IS A PART OF EVERY BELIEVER’S EXPERIENCE. Persecution should not be an unexpected or surprising occurrence for believers. The…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON THIRTEEN – EVIL SPIRITS AND MAGIC Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand what Allah’s attitude towards evil spirits and magic is and what a believer’s relationship to them should be. 1. Magic, sorcery and witchcraft. a. Read Leviticus 20:26,27–26 You are to be holy…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON TWELVE – THE BELIEVERS’ RELATIONSHIP TO THE WORLD Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to better understand what Scripture says about the believer’s relationship to the world in which he lives. 1. Read John 3:16,17–16 “For Allah so loved the world that he gave his one and…
Relationships of the Believer LESSON ELEVEN – PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIPS Lesson Goal: Our goal in this lesson is to understand what Scripture has to say about the parent-child relationship and the responsibilities of each towards the other. THE CHILD’S RESPONSIBILITY 1. Read Ecclesiasties 12:1–Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of…